Muhyeok and Naui: My Irresistible NeighborChapter 40

Just because Naui's next-door neighbor is tall, tattooed, and se** as he** doesn't give him the right to be loud all night! Naui can't get any sleep because of the moaning and humping going on next door, and he can't seem to confront his ho*** neighb

Muhyeok X NauiChapter 40

Naui's nights have been disturbed for a month by the moaning sounds coming from his neighbor living in room 302. He was planning to confront the man living next door but he turns out to be a tall, tattooed and scary guy. His neighbor, Muhyeok, mistak

My UnrivaledChapter prologue

Naui's nights have been disturbed for a month by the moaning sounds coming from his neighbor living in room 302. He was planning to confront the man living next door but he turns out to be a tall, tattooed and scary guy. His neighbor, Muhyeok, mistak