The Duke’s 99th Bride
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The Duke’s 99th Bride

Dük’ün 99.Gelini ; La 99sima sposa del duca ; Pengantin Ke-99 Duke ; The 99th Bride of the Duke ; 公爵家の99番目の花嫁 ; 公爵家的第99位新娘 ; 공작가의 99번째 신부

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Drama , Romance

Chapters: 83

Last update: a year ago

6 votes
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Read The 99th Bride of the Duke manga he 99th Bride of the Duke manhwa Summary: Grace, who lost her mother and became an orphan, was living on the street waiting for her death, was saved by Penelope Erdona and she became Grace Erdona. One day, while she and Penelope were together, Penelope talked about getting married. The person she must marry is none other than the Duke of Felton, the most powerful family in the world. There was a rumor that all the women who got married there had disappeared or returned with a very strange mental state.

LilTots 8 months ago Pretty good
Really enjoyed it, great story and the plot. The characters in this story have their own personality and it's really cool.  I would recommened reading this since it's completed but


The issue i have is, the ending sucks LOL. the ending was def rushed. wish there was a bit more story.

The emperor just exploded and died? Bro fell into a coma? The loyal dog just dies? NO FUNERAL?? Great that our 2 adorable side characters got married but there wasn't even enough like, attraction (for me at least) for them to be totally in love. 

What I mean is that, yeah when they first meet, obvious, but when she was stuck in the castle?? It would nice to see the couple have cute lil intereactions when penelope and terry are at the castle cause how did their relationship just develop ya know? it seems like the author wanted the emperor to have a whole one sided crush with penelope ( i think this is how her name is spelt). There was this one sided crush and it would have been better to see that a little bit more than the guy just exploding to his death.... LOL Sure I felt bad but HE JUST EXPLODED, I FEEL EVEN MORE BAD CAUSE HE JUST DIED LIKE THAT LOLOL. 
Mistress Maya a year ago Sucks big time
It's readable but the plot is very questionable if you think on it too much.  The story starts off pretty good and gets more interesting, then hits a spot where you wonder if the leads are doing anything anymore, and they just keep letting themselves be attacked.   My eyes glazed over eventually but it sure doesn't seem like there is a plan anywhere.  Now the evil emperor he has plans and mild schemes and is proactive about winning.  The good guys have plot armor on their side though.
Mistress Maya a year ago
The story finished, all side plots were useless except sort of one. The last chapter just abruptly ends everything and they win.

Read some cursed Princess club, or be a blessed peasant, wait that doesn't sound like much of a threat.

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