Sorao, an ordinary student, meets Mojacko and Donmo, two aliens looking for a companion for a journey to space. He agrees to come with them, and goes on a fun, yet dangerous, adventure through space, and visit different planets.
Famous detective Syd Craft. He's solved the toughest cases and he's adored by the public, but even he has a major problem! From the creator of We Never Learn comes a mysterious case of love!
Demon King Astrea tasked 72 worthy Demon Lords with destroying the world. Demon Lords--a title only given to those who passed Astrea's test. Each was given powers befitting their title. Kharos, the ruler of madness and greed, was no exception. But hi
Naibara Hirokazu moves from Miyagi to Saitama to start university in Tokyo. Not long after settling in, he starts receiving eerie phone calls from an unknown number. A girl's voice whispers, "It's Mary-san. I'm at the garbage dump now I'm the doll yo
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